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The expansion of charging infrastructure in Germany - aspiration vs. reality


The topic of electromobility is on everyone's lips. And with it comes the question of sufficient charging infrastructure. It is repeatedly emphasized how important it is to expand the charging infrastructure in Germany and that electromobility is the future.

In reality, however, there are always technical problems with the expansion of charging infrastructure in Germany. Many companies want to expand, but cannot do so easily. In most cases, however, there is a solution!

Our expert in the field of (charging) load management, Sebastian Franke, gave a presentation on precisely this topic at the Energy Manager Day in Kassel. You can watch the recording of the presentation here.

Sebastian Franke with his presentation on "Expansion of charging infrastructure in Germany" at the Energy Manager Day in Kassel 2023.
Sebastian Franke with his presentation on "Expansion of charging infrastructure in Germany" at the Energy Manager Day in Kassel 2023.

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