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Subsidy for charging stations in companies

Zwei Autos an Ladestation vor grüner Hecke

The funding guideline for the long-awaited KfW program (441) was published on 17.11.2021, applications can be submitted via the KfW grant portal since 23.11.2021.

Companies and municipalities that want to enable the charging of company vehicles and private vehicles of employees are eligible for funding.

Funding of 900,00€ per charging point is available:

  • the purchase of new charging stations with up to 22 kW charging power and intelligent control.
  • the installation and connection of the charging stations, including all installation work
  • and energy management systems to control the charging stations.

The total costs must be at least 1.285,71€. Further specifications and regulations can be found on the KfW website.

As the funding is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, it is worth reacting quickly.

Our team will be happy to assist you with the application process as well as with the required semi-annual reporting on NOW's online platform "Charging Infrastructure Reporting". If you have any questions, please contact:

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