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Are you making the most of the subsidies for energy measurement technology?

Whitepaper lesende Menschen im Industrieumfeld

We have created a whitepaper for you to answer this question. If you want to improve a company's carbon footprint, the first step is to increase energy efficiency. Above all, you need transparency , because only those who know where and when how much energy is consumed will find the greatest potential for savings.
The EU is also aware of this and supports companies with numerous funding pots to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to achieve our climate targets together. However, it is not so easy to keep track of everything. This white paper gives you an overview of the most important subsidies in the field of energy measurement technology and everything you need to know about them.

The contents:

  • Energy measurement technology: The basis for more energy efficiency
  • A look at the funding landscape: What you should know in advance
  • Federal funding for energy and resource efficiency in the economy (EEW) | Module 3: Measurement technology & software
  • Federal funding for efficient buildings (BEG) | Individual measures
  • Make the most of funding programs for energy measurement technology with econ

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